Sorry for self promotion but you might also consider the HILIDE method which is
very similar to bicelle and sponge, only having fully solubilized
protein:lipid:detergent complexes as input sample and therefore being fully
compatible with regular liquid handling robotics.
See Gourdon P et al 2011
there is one nice JOVE video and article from Jeff Abramson lab
which was neat showing using mosquito to set up bicelle.
No offense to Art people
J Vis Exp. 2012 Jan 9;(59). pii: 3383. doi: 10.3791/3383.
High-throughput Crystallization of Membrane Proteins Using the Lipidic
Bicelle Method.
Hello Cory,
Unfortunately your Crystal Gryphon was not designed to work with all
bicelle solutions.
However, your Crystal Gryphon is easily upgradeable with our new LCP
This will allow you to do LCP, Bicelle and Sponge Phase experiments.
If you have any further questions about the
Hello all;
I am wondering if anyone has any experience getting a ARI Gryphon robot to
pick up protein in a bicelle solution?
The nano needle on our robot does not seem to want to suck the sample up
in a variety of liquid class settings.
Any suggestions out there on if this can be made to work?