: [ccp4bb] Asp-Asp pair facing each other at <3.0 A distance
All true, I did my undergraduate thesis (at cambridge about 10**6 years ago it
feels) on the formation of carboxylate-pairs in the gas phase…. But I agree
with the thread: there is a metal there; it’s almost certainly not Mg, but i
Subject: [ccp4bb] Asp-Asp pair facing each other at <3.0 A distance
Dear all,
I have solved a protein structure at 2.8 A resolution with Rfree 26%. In this
structure catalytic His interacts with non catalytic Asp. This His-Asp pair
ion conditions. If can also have a look at
> anomalous signal.
> Cheers,
> Robbie
> From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Anurag
> Misra
> Sent: Friday, December 29, 2017 14:55
> Subject: [ccp4bb] A