Any paper published should share the data publicly, it is the job of the
journal editor to ask so. If they don't want to disclose to scientific
community then, how one could trust the data published in that paper
describes active site and key structural information. Contact the editor of
the journ
I meant: complain to the editor for accepting a paper without released
coordinates. We as a community fought and won that battle >20 years ago
- so we have the weight of history on our side.
On 07/04/2020 17:05, Schreuder, Herman /DE wrote:
Dear Frank,
here I disagree. I think it is bad p
Hi Artem,
Indeed it seems, as you mentioned, that you have to go ahead and determine the structure, particularly if you've gone a few steps ahead already (pure protein, crystals, data?).
Good luck,
Boaz Shaanan, Ph.D.
Department of Life Sciences
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Beer She
Sadly, I agree: it is pretty clear that the authors did not want
coordinates revealed. Therefore asking them for information is not likely
to lead to getting anything. To be completely fair, it's likely not even
the authors themselves, but their corporate policy that's responsible.
In cases like t
Dear Frank,
here I disagree. I think it is bad practice to complain to the editors or start
naming and shaming before asking the authors first. Only if they do not want to
cooperate, it would be time to bring the flame-throwers in position.
However, I think the situation is more subtle and that