That is a good question, and there could be multiple reasons. One
possibility could be the crystal contacts. I have experience with the
pentameric vial surface protein (PMID: 24648448), and I could see the
carbohydrate ligand only in a subset of protein chains in ASU.
Another reason could be
Hey Rakesh,
Such are the questions that every crystallographer faces in his/her
everyday life. I am not sure if there is any straight forward answer. So
make voyages !
Terese Bergfors mentioned in her famous book, "Protein crystallization" a
case where a Scientist from Umea Uni got the diffraction
Hey Dr Afshan,
You can also check the tab menu: Measure>Go to Atoms. There you can enter
the residue number. The particular residue will be selected, and centred.
Thereafter go to the Measure tab, and click residue info. A dialogue box
will pop open, and there you may edit the values. I hope this
Hey Dilip,
There are many reasons for this observation. Rafael is right, please do
share the image of the gel. Also what are the exact sizes of the two
proteins that you co-expressed? I have observed the heterodimeric and
pentameric proteins on SDS-PAGE albeit the presence of DTT in the sample
Hey Dhiraj,
I saw this email yesterday, and I was waiting for others to respond. This
seems like there is no simple answer to your question. This would be
advantageous, if you kindly share the chromatograms of the WT proteins, and
the mutant one, both in the presence and absence of the reducing ag
ocused crystallization screen (such as JBS kinase
screen for kinases).
happy voyages!
Best wishes
Zaigham Khan, PhD
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Department of Oncological Sciences
1470 Madison Avenue
New York
On Fri, Dec 27, 2019 at 8:31 AM amala mathimaran
> Dear all,