Best Regards,
Shi Jiahai
National University of Singapore
Button Editing". Than your able
to drag the labels by pressing "CTRL" and using your left mouse button
(both has to be pressed). But be careful not changing your molecule :-)!!
shi jiahai wrote:
> Hi, Julie,
> Thank you very much for your kindly reply!
e this option.
shi jiahai wrote:
> Hi, all
> I am drawing some stereo images with label by PYMOL. But the label
> interfere with protein. I try to output to Postscript format so that I
> can change the position of label. However, I can't output the image to
ge in Postscript format from PYMOL?
Your help would be appreciated.
Thank you very much!
Shi Jiahai
Dept of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore