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Tuomo Glumoff, FT, Dosentti
/ Lecturer & Adjunct Professor, D
One postdoctoral researcher (structural biology) and one Ph.D. student
(cell/molecular biology) positions are available from 01.09.2015 onwards in the
laboratory of Sakari Kellokumpu/Tuomo Glumoff at the Faculty of Biochemistry
and Molecular Medicine, University of Oulu, Finland. Funding for
lated cell biological questions. In
addition, the Biocenter Oulu core facility services are at our disposal (many
of them locate at our faculty). Please see:
Contact address of the project PIs:
Adj. prof. Tuomo GlumoffAdj. prof. Sakari Kellokumpu
protein. Smaller cultivation volumes can be used, yet results in more
cells and product. We also tried with a 100 kDa protein without great
improvement yet. But the kit is certainly worth a go.
Tuomo Glumoff
Tuomo Glumoff, FT Tuomo Glumoff, Ph.D.