Dear Elke,
That seems to have done the trick. Can't thank you enough!!! I'm so happy.
For future readers:
ca6 alt loc A and residue 401 70% occ
pa3 #1 alt loc B and residue 402 30% occ
pa3 #2 alt loc C and residue 403 30% occ
I could have probably done pa3 #1 and #2 as the same residue 402 as I
Dear everyone that replied, thanks so much for the help thus far.
Just for info I’m using Coot for Windows version 0.9.6 EL and phenix.refine
version 1.20rc4-4416-000
RE Eleanor: It appears my version of coot/refmac do not support separate
ligands in the same space at <0.5 occupancy. As an ex
I fit a large cyclic ligand cA6 (cylic hexa-adenylate) and after some
refinement have noticed partial occupancy of it's hydrolysed form 2x A3, which
has a cyclic 2'-3' phosphate on the terminal ribose.
I tried fitting both ligands with 50% occupancy, but refinement doesn't allow
them to occupy