Fully funded postdoctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Prof.
Ian Wilson at Scripps Research (http://wilson.scripps.edu, email:
wil...@scripps.edu) for highly motivated candidates who are interested in
immune recognition and inhibition of microbial pathogens. Specifically, we are
Hi Ariel,
Andrew Martin has a server that does it for the variable domain portion of
your Ab- it's at:
Have fun,
-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:ccp...@jiscmail.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Ariel
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2
I'm not sure there was actually any science in the movie, but 'The Incredible
Hulk' had some opening scenes shot at the beautiful ALS synchrotron... and I
just want to point out that I only saw that movie because my kids made me!
Took a lot of junk food to make it through that one
Dear Tarique,
The elbow angle in a Fab is just the angle between two pseudo-twofold axes:
one relating VL to VH and one relating CL to CH. You can find the
pseudo-twofold axes using many different least-squares alignment programs, just
pick your favorite. Then, just take the dot product of