Pierre Barraud
Expression génétique microbienne (UMR 8261)
Institut de biologie physico-chimique (IBPC)
13 rue Pierre et Marie Curie | 75005 Paris | France
Tél : +33 (0)1 58 41 50 18
Dear all,
I am working on a data set which is severely anisotropic, with
diffraction limits of 2.6 A along the a* and b* direction but only 3.3 A
along the c* direction. I attached a screen shot of the Anisotropic
analysis (FALLOFF) output graph from SCALA.
My question is : what is the best s
es 633-649). The pH has to be carfefully checked, it
depends on your protein pI. And PEI must be added drops after drops
under vigourous stirring.
Pierre Barraud
Laboratoire de Cristallographie et RMN biologiques
Faculté de Pharmacie, CNRS UMR 8015, case 48
4 avenue de l'observatoire