gt;> process of iterative refinement and (substructure) atom picking" and had
>> been running a whole night without any further output. Does anybody know if
>> it is normal or there is an error?
>> Thanks,
>> Nick Huang
>> Hauptman-Woodward Institute
n it means people like Tom who develop
> such programs for us might be able to use that insight to improve the
> software, and that is something that will benefit all of us.
> Or, it is entirely possible that I'm just not running the current software
> properly! If so, I'd love it
Pavol Skubak
Biophysical Structural Chemistry
Gorleaus Laboratories
Einsteinweg 55
Leiden University
the Netherlands
tel: 0031715274414
You can also get anomalous maps from Refmac, just input F+ and F- and ANOM
MAPO keyword. See for more
information if needed.
As far as I know the compatibility has been broken because
of adding new features such as intensity based refinement
or multiple anomalous scatterers to the GUI
Sent from: Leiden ZH Netherlands.
> This is VERY VERY VERY irritating!
> Why has it been allowed...
> Is there any advant
Dear Martin,
this should be fixed in the latest refmac version
Please let us know if it is not!
Sent from: Leiden ZH Netherlands.
The latest version with all the bugfixes will of course appear in
CCP4-6.1.1. Until then, the latest binaries and source codes are
available on the mentioned webpage.
Hi Jan,
the difference between 5.5.0063 and 5.5.0066 is just a few
bugfixes. However, unfortunately one of them introduced a
new bug to 5.5.0066 which has been fixed in the later
versions. Could you please upgrade to the latest version
(currently 5.5.0070) from
Hi Michael,
thanks for your report. It turned out that 5.5.0066 has a bug
causing crashes. Could you please try the latest version
(5.5.0068) and let us know in case the problem would not