Hello HengChiat,
Could be that the brief exposure to air resulted in more nucleation sites.
You could still
measure data on your crystal of interest despite the presence of the tiny
crystals, as they
are not likely to diffract well enough to interfere with the primary
diffraction pattern.
Hi Mengxiao,
The density sure reminds me of a nucleotide.
Note the pi-pi stacking of the planar part
between Tyr and Phe, and in the third stereo
picture you attached, projections at what could
be the 2 and 6 positions remind me of Guanine...
plus there are Arg, Lys, etc. pointing toward
We have found a home for our system.
Thanks to all who replied.
At 2:06 AM + 1/20/09, Pamela Focia wrote:
We have an Raxis II system we took down a few months ago, plus an
almost full, duplicate
set of its major parts that we salvaged from a neighboring
University last year. If you can
We have an Raxis II system we took down a few months ago, plus an almost full,
set of its major parts that we salvaged from a neighboring University last
year. If you can
use any or all of it, I'd rather arrange to give it away to you than the metal
We only have a few