If your protein is His-tagged: spin down cells @~1500xg, adust pH with tris
buffer and NaOH to ~pH 7.1 (spin again higher speed if necessary to remove more
particulates) and pass over chemical resistant Ni-resin.
Linda Olson, PhD
Assistant Professor/
x-Ray Facility Manager
Dept. Biochemistry
Dear Gloria,
This is the basic protocol we follow. Hope it helps
Arnaud Gautier and Marlon J. Hinner (eds.), Site-Specifi c Protein Labeling:
Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology,
vol. 1266, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2272-7_12, © Springer Science+Business Media
New York 2015
Dear Daniel,
This was my question also. I just purchased a new Mac book pro and see that
Mantiz sells an eGPU compatible with AMD cards for Thunderbolt 3 MacOS. I
would be very interested in anyone’s experience or advice in making stereo work
on the Mac platform.
On May 18, 2018, at 8