A two-year PostDoc position according to German pay grade 13, with the
possibility of extension, is available from February 2022 in the group
of Oliver Daumke at the Max-Delbrück-Center in Berlin in the area of
‘Structural biology of membrane repair’, with a focus on cryoEM studies.
The Daumke
For information about the MDC, please visit our web site
(www.mdc-berlin.de). For enquiries about the position, please contact
Cornelia Maurer (mau...@mdc-berlin.de). For scientific questions, please
contact Oliver Daumke (oliver.dau...@mdc-berlin.de).
The MDC is committed to
a membrane
scaffolds, signal transduction, translational control and molecular
machines. Have a look at our conference homepage for more details.
I hope to see some of you there.
Udo Heinemann and Oli Daumke (for the organizers)
Dr. Oliver Daumke
d cellular dynamics, and
might be of interest to many of you. We have an amazing speaker list,
please have a look at our webpage (www.mam2009.de) and convince yourself.
Hope to see you in Berlin in December (also for a Gluehwein on one of
the christmas markets),
Oli Daumke
Dr. Oliver
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>), or send me your application
including CV and addresses of two possible referees.
Thanks a lot,
Oliver Daumke
Crystallography group
Max-Delbrueck Centre for Molecular Medicine
Robert-Roessle-Strasse 10
10435 Berlin
Daumke O., Lundmark R., Va