Dear All,
I would like to quantify electron density inside of positive Fo-Fc blobs in
active sites of multiple protomers in the map and compare them. I am aware
that I can interpolate maps and obtain density values at coordinate points
using either MapMan, Chimera or Coot, but I would like to kno
Dear All,
I noticed that files available in the Protein Data Bank contain secondary
structure information which allows for them to be imported in a program
such as BioRender in order to make structural figures. However, the PDB
files generated by PHENIX for structures that I haven't deposited yet
Dear All,
Thank you so much for the suggestions. There was indeed a TER in my PDB
file and removing it solved the problem. I was using Coot
Best Regards,
On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 11:07 AM Paul Emsley
> On 18/02/2021 15:21, Neno Vuksanovic wrote:
> >
> > I
Dear All,
I've been having an issue when manually adding C-terminal residue in Coot
(I add a terminal residue, then add OXT atom, and perform real space
refinement). The residue links the previous one properly and the density
matches it well, but after refining in Phenix.refine, the residue is