Many thanks Jacob and Mark for your questions/suggestions. In response:
> So what happened with the non-reducing gel? (If the DTT was fresh, there
> should be no problem, but if not...)
The gel is very clear, it shows the same exact pattern as the reducing gels.
Both high and low MW fractions ru
Thanks for all your suggestions so a quick reply to some:
>You say the fractions are in equilibrium - how about keeping the oligomer
>fraction each time and adding it to the subsequent preparation?
I did this once. The equilibrium is sort of a gift that keeps on giving, but
the problem
I have a protein that shows high and low MW peaks on gel filtration (which run
at the same MW on SDS-PAGE). There is a slow equilibrium because rerunning the
individual peaks on gel filtration a couple days later shows both peaks. The
higher MW peak is ~2 orders of magnitude more dominant..
Hi Charlie,
This may not be what you want, but this perl script seemed to work just now on
$base='1g9e';open(IN,"<$base.pdb");@indata = ;$i=0;
foreach $line(@indata) {
if($line =~ /^MODEL/) {++$i;$file="${base}_$i.pdb";open(OUT,">$file");next}
if($line =~ /^ENDMDL/) {next}