Best wishes,
Dr Mathew Martin
Cancer Research UK Newcastle Drug Discovery UnitTranslational and Clinical
Research Institute Discovery of Medicines PaulO'Gorman Building Medical
SchoolNewcastle University Framlington Place Newcastle upon TyneNE2 4HHEmail:
Dear All,
May I draw your attention to an opportunitythat we have for a talented student
to join our drug-discovery team here at theNorthern Institute for Cancer
Research. The position is a fully-funded PhDstudentship from the EPSRC Centre
for Doctoral Training in Molecular Sciencesfor Me
Hi Randy and Rodger,
We have had real success using BlueSky (MA) for insect expression, I believe we
have had around 15-20 genes synthesis-optimized with these guys. The expression
levels have been rather reasonable too (obviously protein dependent, but on
average 1 mg of xtal grad protein per
Hi Wei,
I'm unsure if this will help, as i've never used it myself, but a former
colleague in France is working on such a server?
But as everyone else has stated, only use this in comparison to some hard
physical data.
Dear Wenhe,
We too have had similar experiences with a couple of other other kinases - CDK2
(PMID: 21291269) and Aurora A (PMID: 22248356), where both soaking and
co-crystallization has resulted in large conformational rearrangement.
Best wishes,