[ccp4bb] Structural Biology Position in Newcastle Cancer Centre Drug Discovery Unit

2022-08-11 Thread Mathew Martin
2022. Best wishes, Mat   Dr Mathew Martin Cancer Research UK Newcastle Drug Discovery UnitTranslational and Clinical Research Institute Discovery of Medicines PaulO'Gorman Building Medical SchoolNewcastle University Framlington Place Newcastle upon TyneNE2 4HHEmail: mathew.mar...@ncl.ac.u

[ccp4bb] PhD opportunity - Drug Discovery Newcastle University

2019-03-15 Thread Mathew Martin
Dear All,   May I draw your attention to an opportunitythat we have for a talented student to join our drug-discovery team here at theNorthern Institute for Cancer Research. The position is a fully-funded PhDstudentship from the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Molecular Sciencesfor Me

Re: [ccp4bb] Codon Optimization for Insect Expression

2013-05-09 Thread Mathew Martin
Hi Randy and Rodger, We have had real success using BlueSky (MA) for insect expression, I believe we have had around 15-20 genes synthesis-optimized with these guys. The expression  levels have been rather reasonable too (obviously protein dependent, but on average 1 mg of xtal grad protein per

Re: [ccp4bb] Program or server to predict Kd from complex structure

2013-04-18 Thread Mathew Martin
Hi Wei, I'm unsure if this will help, as i've never used it myself, but a former colleague in France is working on such a server? http://2p2idb.cnrs-mrs.fr/ But as everyone else has stated, only use this in comparison to some hard physical data. Cheers, Mat  __

Re: [ccp4bb] Structure example request for large domain movement "in crystallo" soaking

2012-10-09 Thread Mathew Martin
Dear Wenhe, We too have had similar experiences with a couple of other other kinases - CDK2 (PMID: 21291269) and Aurora A (PMID: 22248356), where both soaking and co-crystallization has resulted in large conformational rearrangement. Best wishes, Mat. From: