Dear all,
We have a postdoc position available at Washington University in St. Louis.
The postdoctoral research will focus on elucidating the structural mechanism of
membrane proteins as targets of cardiovascular therapy using novel
multidisciplinary approaches.
Please see attachment for full
One postdoc position is available immediately in Dr. Weikai Li’s lab at
Washington University in St. Louis. The medical school has a tradition of
excellence in biomedical science. The postdoctoral research will focus on
cryo-EM and crystallographic studies of membrane proteins important in
Applications are invited for a joint postdoctoral position in the Medical
School of Washington University in St. Louis. Washington University has a
tradition of excellence in medical science and a stimulating academic
environment. Weikai Li and Jianmin Cui labs study the structural biology and
Applications are invited for a joint postdoctoral position in the Department of
Biomedical Engineering and the Medical School of Washington University in St.
Louis. Washington University has a tradition of excellence in medical science
and a stimulating academic environment. Weikai Li and Jianmi
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at Washington University in St. Louis. The NIH supported research will focus on the structure and function of intramembrane enzymes.
Studies will use multidisciplinary approaches including macromolecular X-ray crystallography, biochemistry,
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the Washington
University at St. Louis. The NIH supported research will focus on the structure and function of intramembrane enzymes. Studies will use multidisciplinary approaches including macromolecular X-ray crystallography, biochemist
A postdoc position is available in Prof. Constance Jeffery's lab at the
University of Illinois at Chicago, starting immediately or within the next few
months. While an experienced crystallographer would be strongly preferred,
someone with experience in protein expression, purification, and
Hi Zhijie,
This loop is good if you have a long unit cell on one dimension and you can
align your crystal in a particular direction. You basically need a beamline
equipped with Kappa, which allows you to directly put the crystal on with the
plastic tube. A normal cryotong does not hold the ben
*Postdoctoral Position - Washington University in St. Louis*
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the medical school of
Washington University in St. Louis. Washington University has a tradition of
excellence in medical science and a stimulating academic environment.
Our lab s