Re: [ccp4bb] Quote source inquiry

2020-07-15 Thread Jeffrey, Philip D.
:: took a working dataset and increased (only) the error on unit cell dimensions in the instruction file for the final round of full matrix :: least squares refinement in shelxl. Sure enough, the errors on the bonds and angles shot up. I was more careful Question: did you change the unit cell d

Re: [ccp4bb] How many microfocus beamlines are in the world?

2020-06-24 Thread Jeffrey, Philip D.
I'm fairly sure that the 300-ish micron focus on my old (and retired) Rigaku RuH3R home system - a perfectly good workhorse - was consider micro-focus by precisely nobody. Phil Jeffrey Princeton From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Gianluca Santoni Sent: W

Re: [ccp4bb] Structure solution - hexapeptide

2018-08-02 Thread Jeffrey, Philip D.
"Very decent" means different things to different people. Is your Rmerge < 20% in the 0.84 Å shell ? If so that's a small molecule quality data set and something like that should solve relatively straightforwardly with e.g. SHELXT. However the classical program would be SHELXD and perhaps a C

Re: [ccp4bb] Large number of outliers in the dataset

2017-03-29 Thread Jeffrey, Philip D.
Juliana, I think if you compare otherwise equivalent refinement runs in phenix.refine with refinement.input.xray_data.outliers_rejection=True (the default) and refinement.input.xray_data.outliers_rejection=False then this will tell you if there's any meaningful difference in the refinement sta

Re: [ccp4bb] Effects of Multiplicity and Fine Phi with Equivalent Count Numbers

2016-11-30 Thread Jeffrey, Philip D.
Jacob, If you fine slice and everything is then a partial, isn't that *more* sensitive to lack of synchronization between the shutter and rotation axis than the wide-frame method where there's a larger proportion of fulls that don't approach the frame edges (in rotation space) ? Especially if

Re: [ccp4bb] PDB deposition - sequence file

2014-12-30 Thread Jeffrey, Philip D.
Mohamed, You always list the sequence of what's actually in the crystal, e.g. 1-105. (Not: what's in the model or what the sequence of the full length protein is). Make sure that if there's any lingering residues from any affinity/purification tags they get included in the sequence too. Phil

Re: [ccp4bb] Rmerge of the last shell is zero

2013-08-14 Thread Jeffrey, Philip D.
Hello Yafang, The answer lies in the fact that you used HKL2000. Scalepack has a long standing "feature" where it reports Rmerge > 100% as zero. Quite why they do that is a mystery, but your Rmerge in the outermost shell is NOT zero - the Rmerge for the lower resolution shells will show up as

Re: [ccp4bb] mmCIF as working format?

2013-08-07 Thread Jeffrey, Philip D.
Nat Echols wrote: > Personally, if I need to change a chain ID, I can use Coot or pdbset or many > other tools. Writing code for > this should only be necessary if you're processing large numbers of models, > or have a spectacularly > misformatted PDB file. Problem. Coot is bad at the chain l

Re: [ccp4bb] mmCIF as working format?

2013-08-07 Thread Jeffrey, Philip D.
> I.e. programs would look like this > > --- > GRAB protein FROM FILE "best_model_ever.cif"; > SELECT CHAIN A FROM protein AS chA; > SET chA BFACTORS TO 30.0; > GRAB data FROM FILE "best_data_ever.cif"; > BIND protein TO data; > REFINE protein USING BUSTER WITH TLS+ANISO; > DROP protein INTO FILE "

Re: [ccp4bb] mmCIF as working format?

2013-08-07 Thread Jeffrey, Philip D.
Are all the APIs open source ? I was under the impression that CCP4 had moved away from that, which might justifiably reduce interest in any limited-availability API. Phil Jeffrey Princeton From: CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of J

Re: [ccp4bb] list/library of most commonly co-crystallized ligands/solvents and/or their electron density shapes

2013-05-21 Thread Jeffrey, Philip D.
Top 20 HETNAM entries based on 58,469 PDB entries at better than 2.5 Angstrom resolution (arbitrary cut): Number of entries in histogram: 14864 Total number of instances : 195481 0 14502 0.0742 GOL(glycerol) 1 10952 0.0560 SO4 2 8064 0.0413 ZN 3 7628 0.0390 MG 4 6930

Re: [ccp4bb] Unusually low B factors with phenix

2012-11-02 Thread Jeffrey, Philip D.
That sounds like the bug in Phenix.refine v1.8 that a few of us encountered - updating to the latest release will help. Actually wasn't so much a bug but a "feature", albeit not the best one imaginable. Anyone using older v1.8 versions should update. --- Phil Jeffrey Princeton On Nov 2, 2012,

Re: [ccp4bb] SCALA keywords for merging Scalepack (no merge original index) data ?

2012-07-04 Thread Jeffrey, Philip D.
Hi Tim, While I use Scalepack2mtz (not from the gui) all the time, Scalepack has the unfortunate feature that once Rsym > 1.0 it gets reported as 0.0. Now that I'm exploring higher resolution limits along the lines of the recent Karplus and Diederichs paper (Science Vol. 336, pp. 1030-33 (2012