[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral Fellowship in Crystallography / CryoEM at Genentech

2023-07-17 Thread Jawahar Sudhamsu
We have a exciting opportunity for a postdoctoral fellowship within my group (Jawahar Sudhamsu), in collaboration with Frederic de Sauvage, to work on structure determination and biochemical / biophysical characterization of proteins and protein complexes involved in the Wnt signaling cascade

Re: [ccp4bb] Heme incorporation in expressed protein

2012-07-16 Thread Jawahar Sudhamsu
ligated, mammalian / bacterial proteins) Protein Expr Purif. 2010 Sep;73(1):78-82. Co-expression of ferrochelatase allows for complete heme incorporation into recombinant proteins produced in E. coli. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20303407 Jawahar Sudhamsu, Ph.D. 1 DNA Way, MS-27 Dept. of