Dear Garib,
This is a deposited structure, not something I did.
They used REFMAC 5.8.0107
On 15 Oct 2018, at 12:25 PM, Garib Murshudov>> wrote:
Dear Harry,
Could you please send the script or log file from refmac. It should have not
happened, bu
Dear All,
I would just like to know how refmac handles the following setup.
A deposited structure (2.8Å resolution) is a homotrimer protein (chains A, B,C)
with bound dsDNA (chains D, E), and some water molecules.
There is NCS (type: local) defined between the three protein chains (A t
Dear All,
I understood from the areaimol documentation that hydrogens are not included
as one of the default atoms. But one can add atoms, and so I added an "ATOM"
line for hydrogen. The program quite happily accepted my input line, but later
on stated explicitly that it was ignoring
Dear All,
Is there a readily available facility to produce a plot in the same spirit as
a protein Ramachandran plot, but for DNA. In particular showing clear
differences between different types of double stranded DNA
(A vs. B, for example).
Dear Alex,
I'm not sure why you think the new Geforce cards will be an issue. Please
As far as stereo is concerned, Geforce cards only give stereo under Windows,
not Linux. If you want stereo under Linux you need the Quadro cards with the
stereo option (for example, Quadro