Re: [ccp4bb] Crystal behave funny

2012-04-13 Thread Gregory Bowman
Hi Prem, The first thing I would do is to make certain that you really have prot+DNA crystals, and not DNA alone. If you can isolate enough crystals (you may need 15 or 30, depending on how large they are), SDS page would be informative. Run protein and DNA alone and together in the same gel as

Re: [ccp4bb] REFMAC5 residues with bad geometry

2012-03-26 Thread Gregory Bowman
But what about the issue of resolution? As was previously pointed out, at say 3.2 Å resolution, many side chains will fail to fit, but it doesn't seem appropriate to trim them all down. The users need to also be aware of the quality/resolution of the structures that they are looking at. Greg

[ccp4bb] ideal MG-oxygen distances in refmac

2012-02-27 Thread Gregory Bowman
Hi all, I'm building a ~1.9Å structure that has a few Mg++ ions bound. I thought that the expected distance for Mg-O was 2.1Å, but in refmac the default to Asp/Glu oxygens appears to be 1.91 Å. Strangely, for a Mg-bound pyruvate ligand, the default distance to one oxygen is 2.18 Å, but 1.91 Å f

[ccp4bb] off-topic: nonspecific DNA binding

2011-09-21 Thread Gregory Bowman
Can anyone give examples of proteins that bind to DNA/RNA non-specifically? In particular I'm interested in examples where interactions are limited to the phosphate backbone, and not with bases. If you could email me off-list, I can compile a summary for others that may be interested. Thanks! G

[ccp4bb] DNA cif files

2011-09-16 Thread Gregory Bowman
I have a question about the bond angle restraints in the DNA cif files. I recently submitted a protein-DNA complex to the PDB, and found out that many of the glycosidic bond angles (atoms O4'-C1'-N9/N1) were outside the accepted range. I switched from CCP4 6.1.13 to 6.2.0 (installed/updated with

Re: [ccp4bb] refmac and DNA bond angles

2011-09-14 Thread Gregory Bowman
ght the DT (renamed Td) were somehow "DY". By just deleting these MODRES lines it was fine. On Sep 14, 2011, at 7:10 PM, Gregory Bowman wrote: > I'm running into some geometry problems with my DNA model after refinement > with refmac (version 5.5.0109), and would appreciate any

[ccp4bb] refmac and DNA bond angles

2011-09-14 Thread Gregory Bowman
I'm running into some geometry problems with my DNA model after refinement with refmac (version 5.5.0109), and would appreciate any feedback. The problem is that the angles for many of the glycosidic bonds are 2 to 4 degrees off of the ideal values, and so are several standard deviations outsid

[ccp4bb] reindexing monoclinic data

2011-08-26 Thread Gregory Bowman
Hi all, We have several primitive monoclinic datasets for the same protein with various ligands, with essentially the same unit cell parameters. We would like to have these with the molecules/density oriented the same way for easy comparison, but as chance would have it, some have effectively

[ccp4bb] loop building with ARP/wARP

2011-08-25 Thread Gregory Bowman
Hi all, I have a large disordered loop (33aa) for a 2.0 Å dataset for which the rest of the structure is well-defined, and phases are decent (Rwork=19.6, Rfree=24.6). I can see some broken up density at one end, but have been unable to convincingly build into into this region manually. I would

Re: [ccp4bb] Script / program to change chain ID 's in symmetry mates

2011-04-08 Thread Gregory Bowman
Krishan, Here is a simple stand-alone python script that should do what you want. Greg #!/usr/bin/python # # # usage: # python mypdbfile1.pdb mypdbfile2.pdb mypdbfile3.pdb # # This will generate a new file with all pdbfile (ATOMs and HETATMs) in a single # file, with e

Re: [ccp4bb] Far to good r-factors

2010-05-31 Thread Gregory Bowman
Paul, Does your lower resolution structure have the same unit cell as the model used for MR? If your two crystals are the same except for the presence of the ligand, then you need to make sure to keep the same Rfree set for both. Otherwise, some reflections that were previous in the Rwork

[ccp4bb] low resolution secondary structural restraints

2010-05-05 Thread Gregory Bowman
Hi - I am refining a low (3.7Å) structure with refmac(5.5.0091), and am having trouble maintaining some secondary structure elements. I would like to restrain the H-bonding in clear secondary structural elements, which should help prevent carbonyls in helices from flipping out, etc, but h