[ccp4bb] Beam time available at upgraded MacCHESS

2019-09-24 Thread D. Marian Szebenyi
Got crystals to check out? The Fall 2019 run at CHESS begins October 16, and it's not too late to apply for time. Proposals are accepted any time for beam time at the newly upgraded MacCHESS beamlines: BioSAXS station (formerly G1) - on-site or mail-in BioSAXS, featuring: * 7-14 KeV, standard b

[ccp4bb] Beamtime at upgraded CHESS

2019-08-29 Thread D. Marian Szebenyi
Having completed a major upgrade, CHESS (Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source) is accepting proposals for beamtime. Of most interest to this community: BioSAXS station (formerly G1) - on-site or mail-in BioSAXS, featuring: * 7-14 KeV, standard beam size 250x200 micron, smaller beam available.

[ccp4bb] Proteins under Pressure at CHESS Users' Meeting

2019-05-08 Thread D. Marian Szebenyi
The annual CHESS Users' Meeting will be held June 4-5, 2019 at Cornell, Ithaca, NY. CHESS has just completed a major upgrade to its storage ring and beamlines; the meeting will be a great place to find out about the new opportunities for science created by CHESS-U, and see the new facilities.

[ccp4bb] Beam time available (soon!) at CHESS

2018-01-18 Thread D. Marian Szebenyi
Beamtime available at CHESS, Feb. 7 - June 4, 2018 The CHESS/MacCHESS facility, located at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, invites macromolecular crystallographers and users of BioSAXS to a