Here I must disagree slightly with Preben. I once mentioned 'Twelve Monkeys' to
the personnel at the check-in counter to lighten the mood (They didn't like the
fumes coming out from the dewar). I really believe it helped them understand
what was NOT in the dewar. And we were allowed to board the
poses, but only
when they are unrestrained, so if you restrain them you lose this option.
Hope this helps.
Bjørn Pañella Pedersen
Ph.D Student, MSc
Department of Molecular Biology Office: +45 89425021
University of Aarhus Lab: +45 89425010
Gustav Wie
after 10-15
minutes (5 min stain, 5-10 min destain).
Bjørn Pañella Pedersen
Ph.D Student, MSc
Department of Molecular Biology Office: +45 89425021
University of Aarhus Lab: +45 89425010
Gustav Wieds Vej 10c Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Best Regards
Bjørn Pañella Pedersen
Ph.D Student, MSc
Department of Molecular Biology Office: +45 89425021
University of Aarhus Lab: +45 89425010
Gustav Wieds Vej 10c Email