I installed ccp4i on Windows10. Here, the graphical output is not
working anymore. Are the any add-ons I need to install (eg dbviewer)?
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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Dear CCP4-BB,
after refining a fairly high resolution aldose reductase structure
(0.96 A) we observed negative Fo-Fc density (-3.0 sigma) for the three
C-terminal residues (314-316). However, the 2Fo-Fc density clearly
showed the position of these residues without indication of a second
I tried to use the program map correlation to calculate the
correlation between a small molecule ligand and the corresponding
electron density on a per residue basis. Even so the ligand is
non-peptidic, the program lists values for main- and side-chain. Is
there a command which can be
components are not written off yet), prize negotiable:
-Osmic blue mirrors CMF 12-38Cu6
-Xenocs Fox2D mirrors TOM 465/14 12/38Cu
Please contact Andreas Heine (hei...@mailer.uni-marburg.de) for more
details if you are interested in the system or individual components.
Best wishes