Dear Bei,
Pavel's statistic can be completed by the analysis of the most frequent
values (modes) versus resolution.
When the resolution is plotted in the LOG-scale, these most
frequent values are practically linear functions giving their easy
interpolation / extrapolation as
Dear Hailiang,
This apparently is not the real physics, since the
electron density has to be positive everywhere (hope I am right).
Yes, you are right when you are talking about the electron density.
You are wrong when you are talking about a Fourier synthesis calculated
always at a finite r
An updated stand-alone version of the program POLYGON (Urzhumtseva et al.,
2009, Acta Cryst, D65, 297-300) is available at
A number of "bugs" were fixed; in particular this version was successfully
tested at a Mac comp
sorry to appear too much last days but since people continue to comment the
problem of Alphar, my guess is that it might be a nice illustration to what
was discussed this week-end.
Since the crystal is very long in the c-direction (380 A) and relatively
short in two others (50 A), I su