[ccp4bb] problem with coot install

2012-02-13 Thread Alexander U. Singer
Hi -- I was installing the latest version of CCP4 6.2.0 on my machine which uses Linux Fedora Core 5. When downloading the CCP4 package, I used the 'generic linux (x86) option'. The package contains an package for Coot v 0.6.2 which I tar'ed and uncompressed, but when I try to run it, I g

[ccp4bb] selenomethionine contact

2011-06-28 Thread Alexander U. Singer
Hi -- I have a case in which I have a refined structure in which the 'so-far' measured distance between the Se atom of a selenomethionine and its crystallographic neighbouring Se atom (same residue) is 2.9 A, and I see continuous density between the two atoms. Has anyone subscribing to thi