, we
have already confirmed, through different approaches, that the protein
doesn't behave as a dimer in the solution.
*Dr. Abhishek Suman*
*Ph.D (Structural Biology)*
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Kandi 502 284 Sangareddy
Telangana INDIA
Contact: +91 91002
ou could help me to resolve this problem or at
least let me know what explanation might be appropriate to answer the
reviewer’s concern that it’s a general practice to report the KD in the
Molar irrespective of stoichiometry.
Thanks in advance.
*Dr. Abhishek Suman*
*Ph.D (St
the DNA duplex
in Phenix. In am using Phenix GUI.
*Abhishek Suman*
*Research Scholar, PhD*
C/o, Dr. Rajakumara Eerappa
Macromolecular Structural Biology Group
Department of Biotechnology
R# 517,315, Academic Block - A
Dear experts,
I am trying to insert a non-natural nucleotide (5CM, methylated cytosine) at
6th position in a 13-mer DNA. I have generated the CIF file for 5CM using ELBOW
(Phenix). I tried replacing the Cytosine with 5CM and linking the O3' of -1
nucleotide with P of 5CM and o3' of 5CM with P o