[ccp4bb] CNS problem: patch statement in generate.inp

2008-02-29 Thread
Dear all, Sorry for a non-ccp4 question. I am trying to refine a structure of protein-RNA complex. The RNA have two 5-iodo-U in one chain. I used the following patch in generate.inp so that an I5 atom is added to the C5 atom of the Uracil. I add patch statement at the bottem of generate.inp {*

[ccp4bb] refinement problem of labelled RNA complex

2008-02-18 Thread
Dear all; I am a fresher of Refmac5. And now I'm trying to refine a protein and labelled RNA complex using Refmac. It's a Iodo-U labelled RNA. Unfortunately, these is no appropriate lib file in the current refmac dictionaries. So I use cif file which created by Refmc itself, surprisingly, the b

[ccp4bb] refinement problem of labelled RNA complex

2008-02-18 Thread
Dear all; I am a fresher of Refmac5. And now I'm trying to refine a protein and labelled RNA complex using Refmac. It's a Iodo-U labelled RNA. Unfortunately, these is no appropriate lib file in the current refmac dictionaries. So I use cif file which created by Refmc itself, surprisingly, the b