I, too, love the smell of cooking (or cooked?) jobs in the morning.
Nigel W. Moriarty
Building 33R0349, Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, CA 94720-8235
Email : nwmoria...@lbl.gov
Web : CCI.LBL.gov
ORCID : orcid.org/00
Greetings Everybody,
I present to you a Challenge.
Structural biology would be far more powerful if we can get our models
out of local minima, and together, I believe we can find a way to escape
tldr: I dare any one of you to build a model that scores better than my
"best.pdb" model b
Dear All,
Does anyone use Jansci PS256 imager? And if yes, what do you think about
it? Is it reliable, easy to use, or has some problems? We are thinking of
buying it to replace our Rigaku Minstrel, which has been out of action for
more than a year...
Thanks a lot!
Dr Olga Moroz
York Stru
Hey there Robert,
Refmac has a keyword called "kill" that I think is what you are looking
for. It is documented here:
You can specify a conditional exit based on R factor, etc. Or you can
just create a spec
The Phenix developers are pleased to announce that version 1.21 of Phenix is
now available (build 1.21-5207). Binary installers for Linux, Mac OSX, and
Windows (under Windows Subsystem for Linux), and the source installer, are
available at the download site:
Postdoctoral position in Structural Biology at the University of Toronto
We are seeking an enthusiastic and self-motivated Postdoctoral Fellow to study
the mechanisms of fertilization in the Lee Lab at the University of Toronto,
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology. The Postdoctora
Hi Robert,
I see your point but extending the number of cycles to reach convergence has a
big risk of going into infinite loops (which you point out). In the case of
Refmac stopping early is not really needed as it is very fast anyway; a few
unnecessary cycles won't take that long. Generally it
I am wondering if authors of refinement programs would like to consider putting
on their users wish list the ability of refinement programs to automatically
terminate once the refinement has reached convergence. Various refinement
metrics such as R factors, CC or RMS values typically will r
For anyone who is confused:
Unfortunately, the link given here (https://phenix-online.org/download/) says
that the latest release is 1.19.2-4158! That’s very odd because the same URL
without the trailing slash (https://phenix-online.org/download) gets to a
different page with the right informat