Everyone should bear in mind the following when considering the presence of
an ionizable anion at a protein binding site:
1. The ionizable ion will exist in solution in a equilibrium
distribution of ionization states, depending on the solution pH, and will
exchange between them rapidly
Back to the value of an anomalous map - IF the anomalous data is good
enough to give a significant peak at a sulphur position, you might expect
to get a peak at a well ordered phosphate- if no sulphur peaks not much
On Mon, 25 Dec 2023 at 19:51, Tom Peat <
Hello Dale,
Thank you for the correction/ clarification.
I think this is still a tricky question, as in solution, this is an average
state and one doesn't have a stable hydrogen (or two) sitting discretely on the
phosphate. More specifically, the hydrogens are coming off and popping back on