[ccp4bb] Cryo-EM Postdoctoral Scholar positions @ Penn State

2023-10-27 Thread Lee, Kenneth
Membrane Structural Biophysics at The Pennsylvania State University The laboratory of Dr. Kenneth Lee in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology at the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine invites applications for TWO new NIH-funded postdoctoral positions to study mechani

[ccp4bb] PhD position in time resolved crystallography

2023-10-27 Thread Harmer, Nicholas
Dear Colleagues, I have a PhD position in time resolved crystallography open as part of the SWBio DTP programme. I'd appreciate this being passed on to any interested students. This is a CASE collaborative studentship with Syngenta and Jim Spencer (Bristol). The project aims to develop a struc

[ccp4bb] AlphaFold Database introduces sequence-based search and structure cluster members

2023-10-27 Thread Deborah Harrus
Dear all, We are excited to announce two significant functionalities added to the AlphaFold Protein Structure Database (AlphaFold DB). The database has expanded since its inception in 2021 to cover over 214 million predicted structures from Google Deepmindā€™s AlphaFold 2 system. We now introd