Dear all,
please find below an announcement for a funded PhD position on the development
of deep learning approaches to predict interactions between proteins and
nucleic acids. The deadline for application is 30 April 2023.
Best regards,
Jessica Andreani
Scientific project
Interactions between
Dear All,
A quick question about Refmac on ccp4i. When refining an RNA oligonucleotide
structure using the findwaters option, the pdb output labels all the atoms as
HETATM (inluding the original RNA atoms which were not so labelled in the input
pdb). It is of course trivial to correct this, but
Dear Marian,
How do you know that it’s still a double bond? Is it due to the way that it’s
displayed in Coot, or based on the interatomic distances after refinement?
Could you have a look in the AceDRG link dictionary (.cif) and confirm the
order of the bond? Search for a “_chem_mod_bond” loop
Dear all,
I'm having an issue running AceDRG for making a covalent link between a
compound (with a double bond) and a target His (linking atom NE2).
I am running the program in ccp4i2 (ccp4-7.1.018). I have, of course, include
the .cif file of the compound (obtained from SMILE using eLBOW) and
Dear Colleagues from the CCP4bb,
Paul Scherer Institute in Switzerland is hiring a postdoctoral fellow for a
project to develop a NextGen Detector Control Unit. The project is realized
together with DECTRIS, leading manufacturer of hybrid pixel X-ray detectors,
and supported by Innosuisse (Swis
Dear All
The call for proposals via peer-review for non-proprietary access to Diamond MX
beamlines from October 2023 until March 2024 is now open
( The deadline for
this call is Wednesday 29th March at 17:00 hrs UTC+1/GMT+1.
Diamond Ligh
I believe there are many advantages to storing things *internally* as data
objects with metadata instead of as columns of an MTZ file. How many
students know what FP,SIGFP mean? And how many know that the FP,SIGFP
columns in Refmac's HKLIN are not the same as the FP,SIGFP columns in
HKLOUT? In an i
We are hitting the same problems also with students (so no rigidified
brains I think) ... the concept of "files" seems absolutely natural (also
to them) and when they ask about solving more tricky problems in i2 ... we
do the obvious, go back to ccp4i.
I2 is fine when things are smooth and easy.