[ccp4bb] CryoEM Current Practices Webinar - 02/23/2023

2023-02-14 Thread Christina Zimanyi
Dear all, Please join the NIH Transformative High Resolution CryoEM Program service centers at our next CryoEM Current Practices webinar. Time: Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 9 AM pacific / 12 PM eastern time Speaker: Radhika Malik, PhD, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacologica

[ccp4bb] wwPDB news: Small Angle Scattering News

2023-02-14 Thread Deborah Harrus
Dear all, An outcome of a project aimed to test and benchmark different approaches for modeling SAS profiles from PDB coordinates has been published: *A round-robin approach provides a detailed assessment of biomolecular small-angle scattering data reproducibility and yields consensus curves

[ccp4bb] CCP4 8.0.008 Python2 <-> 3 problem

2023-02-14 Thread Michael Weyand
Dear colleagues, First, I don't want to flood ccp4bb with all the concrete program error code(s). Therefore a more general description. I can give more details if needed. To the board or by direct mails to the real experts. I would like to use the Panndda/PanDEMIC

[ccp4bb] Bioinformatics post

2023-02-14 Thread Harry Powell
Hi folks Please let anyone know who may be interested in working in the heart of South Kensington, funded by the Wellcome Trust. Job Opportunity for Experienced Bioinformatics Software Developer (Phyre and Missense3D) See: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/CXG066/bioinformatics-software-developer-i