Hi Garib,
Thank you for your reply. I edited the NLE.cif file in the CCP4 monomer
library. You can see I successfully changed the group to L-peptide, as
shown below:
/Applications/ccp4-7.1/lib/data/monomers/list/mon_lib_list.cif | awk /NLE/
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It looks like that it is from ccp4 version 7 series. There, our programs may
have changed HN2 with H2.
However, you should check if the group name for this entry is L-peptide. If it
is not L-peptide then coot will not recognise it as L-peptide (as far as I know)
> On 26 Oct 2022,
Hi Garib,
Thank you for your help. I looked for NLE in the coot monomer library
and found a file named NLE.cif at
'/Applications/ccp4-7.1/lib/data/monomers/n'. I then searched this file for
'HN2' but didn't find any line that contains this string. So is it a typo
or I was looking at the wrong fi