As many of you know, the 2022 ACA meeting will be held in Portland, OR on July
29 to August 2. I would like to draw your attention to the session on
fragment-based drug discovery and invite you to submit an abstract for an oral
presentation. We welcome contributions from students as well as PIs.
Well - I would look at the deviants in COOT and see if there is a proper
reason for the angels - water molecules too close? alternate conformation
for some near by sidechain? Any refinement program wants to get good
geometry unless there is an obstacle. If there is nothing obvious to fix
you could
Hello Pradeep,
Have you visually checked the model at these locations? Is this non-ideal
geometry of the DNA supported by the map? At 2.3 A resolution, the DNA should
be well resolved (both backbone and nucleic bases planes). Some (most?)
DNA-binding proteins distort DNA when binding to it, so
IUCr seeks an Executive Secretary (Chief Executive Officer)
The International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), which is both a
global scientific union and a publisher of crystallographic journals and
books, seeks an Executive Secretary (Chief Executive Officer) to manage
the organisation and t
Dear all,
A reminder about the MAX IV Summer School on Data collection and structure
determination in macromolecular crystallography (see information below). Note
that the application deadline is quickly approaching!
Best regards,
Ana Gonzalez
Dear all,
REFMAC5 refinement: nucleic acid residues with bad geometry
Hi All,
I am in the final refinement stage of an X-ray structure of a protein-DNA
2.3 A resolution, using Refmac5 (REFMAC 5.8.0267, CCP4Interface 7.1.018, Linux
I am confident about the space group, refinement steps,
Dear all,
We have an exciting opportunity for a research assistant to join Dr. Jacqueline
Cherfils team at ENS Paris-Saclay (Gif-sur-Yvette/France) !
The closing date is 22th of April 2022.
Kind regards,
Research engineer position in protein biochemistry: 12-month renewable