Thanks, I learnt two things now - one of which being that I'm credited
with coining that word! Stap me vittals...
If it's single photon events you're after, isn't it quantum statistics
where you need to go find that prior? (Or is that what you're doing in
this thread - I wouldn't be able to
Dear James,
No, the prior does not have to be a gamma distribution. As I understand (and I
am out of my comfort zone here), the reason for choosing gamma is indeed
convenience. I believe this convenience is rapidly lost as the Bayesian network
gets complicated and any hope of an analytical expr
Hi James
For the case under consideration, isn't the gamma distribution the maximum
entropy prior i.e. a default with minimum information content.
-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board On Behalf Of James Holton
Sent: 17 October 2021 18:25
The EM and Cryo-EM world might have something to say about that perhaps.
Isn’t RIP phasing coming from what you are describing as well?
Just curious,
Jürgen Bosch, PhD, MBA
Center for Global Health & Diseases
Case Western Reserve University
Thank you Gergely. That is interesting!
I don't mind at all making this Bayesian, as long as it works!
Something I'm not quite sure about: does the prior distribution HAVE to
be a gamma distribution? Not that that really narrows things down since
there are an infinite number of them, but is t
Well Frank, I think it comes down to something I believe you were the
first to call "dose slicing".
Like fine phi slicing, collecting a larger number of weaker images
records the same photons, but with more information about the sample
before it dies. In fine phi slicing the extra informatio
If you write/analyze/improve a data-reduction program in crystallography, then
these questions are important: how to estimate the intensity of a Bragg spot by
evaluating the counts in the pixels of the signal area, and those of the
background area? When calculating mean and standard deviation of
James, I've been watching the thread with fascination, but also the confusion
of wild ignorance. I've finally realised why.
What I've missed is: what exactly makes the question so important? I've
understood what brought it up, if course, but not the consequence of getting it