Dear Silvia, I look at those stats in the log file and worry about your
data processing. There are some wild outliers in the measurements Unit
cell: (129.59, 129.59, 118.84, 90, 90, 120)
Space group: P 61 2 2
>From the log file: outliers
Miller Index : Intensity : Sigma : Bin Mean Intensity
On 06/08/2020 16:39, Silvia Napolitano wrote:
Dear CCP4BB community,
Dear Silvia,
I am working on a crystal structure and I am a bit stuck with the refinement.
To build the model I use Coot and to refine I use Phenix.
I may be able to offer some insight about the first part.
Hello, I think you are at a mid-refinement stage (R-free mid-thirties and map
clearly still needing a lot more fitting work to be done on it) so I would not
worry too much about the geometry stats at this point! I should pick someone's
brains locally on model-building and get the fit to the map
Hello all!
For those who may have missed it, the ACA meeting this year has gone
Much cheaper to register than ever before, and there are a few days left!
Yesterday morning, I had the honor of receiving the ACA's Ronglie Award,
and I am sharing my presentat