I have this running on our system. Bruker were helpful in getting it running. I
can give you a hand after the CCP4 study 'weekend, if you still need it.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
Original message From: Jens Hjörleifsson Date:
08/01/2019 13:15 (GMT+00:00)
Hi Jens,
SADABS does a pretty good job of scaling and the XPREP program in
PROTEUM3 can be used to determine the space group (subject to the usual
ambiguities) - there's no need to use Pointless/Aimless. You can also
use XPREP to create an output file in SCALEPACK format that can then be
I have seen there is a possibility to run Pointless and Aimless inside the
Proteum 3 software, but after installing CCP4 I am unable to find it. Does
anyone know how to implement the Pointless-Aimless plugin into Proteum 3?
If not maybe someone has a easy way to transform data from Proteum 3 dat
Dear colleagues,
since approximately end of last year, there is indeed a 3D stereo
problem under CentOS/Scientific Linux 7.6. I found the odd reason for
this by a small warning message in the Xorg-log file and some
trial-and-error and just want to share this with you, in case, you come