Re: [ccp4bb] PhD opportunity on Mycobacterial structural biology at Monash University, Melbourne

2018-07-25 Thread SR Bharath On Sat, 21 Jul 2018 at 19:57, Rhys Grinter <> wrote: > Dear All, > > There is an exciting opportunity to do a PhD co-supervised by Dr. Chris > Greening and myself at Monash University, Melbourne. The project will > investigate

[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral Position in Structural Biology at The University of Oklahoma

2018-07-25 Thread Nate Lavey
Hi All, I'm posting this on behalf of my PI Dr. Adam S. Duerfeldt, please see below. Thanks! The Duerfeldt Lab ( in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at the University of Oklahoma has an immediate opening for a highly-motivated postdoc trained in microbiol

[ccp4bb] Senior Postdoctoral Position on Cryo-EM in the Dep. for Protein Evolution at the MPI for Dev. Biology

2018-07-25 Thread Joana Pereira
Dear CCP4 colleagues,Our department is looking for a senior postdoc with experience on Cryo-EM to provide the department with cutting-edge competence in protein structure determination with this method. The position is suitable to start an independent group and independent publication and grant acq

[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral position on novel method for protein crystallisation

2018-07-25 Thread Ioannis Vakonakis
Dear colleagues, A postdoctoral position is available immediately in my group jointly with the lab of Maike Bublitz, in the Department of Biochemistry, Oxford. The aim of this BBSRC-funded post is to develop a novel methodology for membrane protein crystallisation that utilises NMR-derived info

Re: [ccp4bb] O-linked glycans

2018-07-25 Thread Thomas Lütteke
Dear Goran et al., when building O-linked glycans one should keep in mind that in contrast to N-glycans there is no single core structure in O-glycans, but a variety of different structures exist. Therefore, the NAG-SER linkage might be correct (if it is an O-GlcNAc modification, which is usual

[ccp4bb] Call for MX beamtime proposals at HZB, BESSY II, deadline September 01, 2018

2018-07-25 Thread Manfred S. Weiss
Dear all, the next MX-proposal application deadline: September 01, 2018 is approaching This time all proposals will be handled with the new version of GATE, GATE2.0 Hereby we wo

[ccp4bb] Vacancy at Diamond: Senior Support Scientist (I04-1, XChem)

2018-07-25 Thread Frank von Delft
Hello all I'm recruiting a Senior Support Scientist to my beamline I04-1 at Diamond.  Apart from MX user support (obviously), the position will help work on automating more complicated kinds of data collection and figuring out how to get more data faster, especially for XChem fragment screeni