Re: [ccp4bb] new ContaMiner features

2017-11-23 Thread Pavel Afonine
It's amusing how a seemingly innocent ad for a new tool can ignite a rather prickly thread.. I see two keys to this. Firstly, for those who are not familiar with the issue the add could be better structured by providing a clearer statement of what the problem is or why it is important (with approp

Re: [ccp4bb] new ContaMiner features

2017-11-23 Thread Graeme Winter
Dear All, As someone who is both a user of external software and supports internally developed software to external users, I am quite familiar with both sides of this argument. From time to time someone will notice a "weird feature" in software - sometimes this is a bug, sometimes misuse (which

Re: [ccp4bb] new ContaMiner features

2017-11-23 Thread radu
Hi Leo, I agree that the horror beamline stories you describe are far too common. Unfortunately, they start earlier, in the wet lab or even before. Exactly the same attitude (careless construct design, crystallising whatever "dirty" samples, not bothering optimising cryoprotection and so on) leads

Re: [ccp4bb] new ContaMiner features

2017-11-23 Thread CHAVAS Leonard
Dear Gerard I should certainly be the one to blame, as I was the one spotting this behaviour to Stefan. Telling this, it could indeed be a problem with the data set, yet submitting the original mtz to ContaMiner provided with the strangely hoped and expected ContaMiner negative result. I made f

Re: [ccp4bb] new ContaMiner features

2017-11-23 Thread CHAVAS Leonard
Dear all, to join Pierre's comments on what 'strange' things happen at the beamlines... yet not too strange for (too) many people: huge screening of salt crystals, complete data collection of dramatically low resolution data, full power coupled with 360Deg data collection etc. etc. etc. We do

Re: [ccp4bb] new ContaMiner features

2017-11-23 Thread Parthasarathy Sampathkumar
Hi All, To add, on couple of occasions I re-determined the structure of so-called "contaminants". Once, the structure of Secreted Ferritin (PDB 1Z6O) from crystals that were supposedly that of TNF ligand:receptor complex (proteins expressed in Tni cells), and in the second instant re-determined th

Re: [ccp4bb] new ContaMiner features

2017-11-23 Thread Edward A. Berry
My 2 cents worth: I think contaminer is an extremely useful service. I may be a sloppy biochemist, but I am not the only one. There are multiple structures in the database of say bacterioferritin or AcrB that were solved from crystals that were supposed to be something else. I remember in a discus

Re: [ccp4bb] new ContaMiner features

2017-11-23 Thread Gerard Bricogne
Dear Pierre, Thank you for throwing some light on the circumstances under which the "suspicious" results cropped up :-) . Was the "Government Heatlh Warning" based on this one and only mtz file, then? We would certainly be interested in examining this dataset for any anomalies in the an

Re: [ccp4bb] new ContaMiner features

2017-11-23 Thread Mike Lawrence
Dear Radu, here's an example from 11 years ago. ContaMiner would have been useful here in that it would terminated the crystallographic endeavour earlier (In this case, however, serendipitous crystallization and structure solution of the trace cont

Re: [ccp4bb] new ContaMiner features

2017-11-23 Thread radu
Hi Tom, Tristan, Pierre, So long that some people find ContaMiner useful, than fair enough :-) But I still find it really hard to believe that this is a "common" occurrence. Maybe "regular" at beamlines (who are not to blame of course), but I doubt that frequency is high. Otherwise, they should re

Re: [ccp4bb] new ContaMiner features

2017-11-23 Thread Tom Peat
I agree with Tristan, it can be quite easy to crystallise a contaminant even when one is trying to be careful during the purification process. Before everyone had a mass spec, looking at gels didn't tell you as much as you needed to know, as many proteins don't stain well, so are hard to see on

Re: [ccp4bb] new ContaMiner features

2017-11-23 Thread LEGRAND Pierre
Dear GĂ©rard, As being part of the group how has initially raised the issue to Stefan, I stand out to try clarifying a misinterpretation. In brief, because we are happy users of StarAniso, it happened that we have submitted an mtz that it had produced to the ContaMiner server. We were very surpr

Re: [ccp4bb] new ContaMiner features

2017-11-23 Thread Tristan Croll
Dear Radu, I think this is a little harsh. Biology is a fabulously messy thing, and very prone to doing the unexpected. See the excellent paper by Niedzialkowska et al. at!po=13.6905 for some examples. Sometimes unexpected things (which jus

Re: [ccp4bb] new ContaMiner features

2017-11-23 Thread radu
Dear Stefan, Just a couple of thoughts: - first of all I think that Gerard is absolutely right, it would have been nice to raise such issues first with the developers. In my experience, Staraniso does a fantastic job if used correctly. - but if you're OK with public trials, may I ask: why on Ear

Re: [ccp4bb] new ContaMiner features

2017-11-23 Thread Gerard Bricogne
Dear Stefan, Regarding your final paragraph: your server carries a warning with the exact wording: "Submitting StarAniso files can give you suspicious results. Use with care!" It seems rather regrettable that you are posting such a public warning without ever having contacted the

[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral position available

2017-11-23 Thread Guenter Fritz
Dear all, a postdoctoral position is available in a joint project between my group and the group of Julia Fritz-Steuber. The position is at the University of Stuttgart Hohenheim, where I have moved recently. The position is available immediately with preferred starting date 1.1.2018. The pro

[ccp4bb] new ContaMiner features

2017-11-23 Thread Stefan Arold
Dear Community, A quick message to announce the following two new features on our ContaMiner web server for the automated detection of unwantedly crystallised contaminants ( 1) online visualisation of 2FoFc and FoFc maps. In cases of positive re

Re: [ccp4bb] CCP4 Study Weekend 2018 - Registration closes 10 December 2017

2017-11-23 Thread Karen McIntyre
There are now only 50 spaces available for the CCP4 Study Weekend being held in Nottingham between 10-12 January 2018. Register now at before it's too late! Regards Karen McIntyre Science & Technology Facilties Council