The Keenan lab at the University of Chicago has an opening for a postdoctoral
scientist to study the structure and function of protein complexes involved in
membrane protein biogenesis and quality control.
Applicants should be nearing completion of a PhD in structural biology and have
a strong
Your first step is to look at your images and see what is going on in
that shell. Since you are looking at merged stats the first guess is
that there is something wrong with all of the images, but only by
looking at them can you tell.
Dale Tronrud
On 8/15/2017 9:39 AM, rohit kumar wrote:
> De
A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr.
Oleg Tsodikov at the University of Kentucky, Department of
Pharmaceutical Sciences starting in early 2018 or later, to perform
structural, biochemical and biophysical studies of proteins involved in
bacterial drug resistance. We seek hig
Hi Paul,
Thanks, that was fast! There was a small typo in the phase column labels, which
I've fixed in the attached file. Otherwise it works very well. Great that it
opens the most recently-created MTZ file by default. I'll test the other option
in due course.
On 15 Aug 2017, at 14:36
Hi Derek,
I have attached a script. Drop it in your ~/.coot-preferences directory and restart your Coot. Should work
(not tested). If you want a specific mtz file, then you will have to use x-n-open via Calculate ->
Scripting -> Scheme.
;; return a list of map numbers
(define (x-n-o
Dear all,
this is a reminder of the PSI / CCP4 Workshop
"3D Electron Crystallography for Macromolecular Compounds"
The workshop will take place at PSI between 18th and 22nd September 2017.
Please see the full program, list of speakers, and registration instructions
On 15/08/2017 12:52, Derek Logan wrote:
Hi ccp4bb
Is there a convenient way to open MTZ files in Coot that are the result of joint X-ray/neutron refinement in
phenix.refine, but where phenix.refine was run in command-line mode? I would like achieve what is done in
the Phenix GUI at the click o
Hi ccp4bb and phenixbb,
Is there a convenient way to open MTZ files in Coot that are the result of
joint X-ray/neutron refinement in phenix.refine, but where phenix.refine was
run in command-line mode? I would like achieve what is done in the Phenix GUI
at the click of a button, i.e. open Coot
*In Situ Serial Crystallography - ISSX2 Workshop*
*Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland*
*Nov. 27-29, 2017*
*The application deadline is Sept 1*.
The *In Situ* Serial Crystallography Workshop ISSX2 is dedicated to the
presentation of the *in