As others point out, anisotropy is endemic in protein crystals, and severe
cases make the single number score for Rmerge, CC1/2 etc pretty meaningless
for the outer shell.
But do not throw out the meaningful data at your higher resolution because
of single number stats-
first LOOK at your images t
which finds 4Y42 as closest for both cells, but lots of others nearby.
On Sun, Jun 18, 2017 at 10:39 AM, James Holton
> By the way. Does anyone out there have a unit cell search engine still
> running? The two mentioned on this thread s
Dear Khoa Pham,
the question of a formal definition of en "effective" resolution and its
variability with space direction is discussed in
a) Urzhumtseva, L., Klaholz, B.P., Urzhumtsev, A. (2013) " On effective and
optical resolution of diffraction data sets". Acta Cryst., D69 , 1921-1934.
By the way. Does anyone out there have a unit cell search engine still
running? The two mentioned on this thread so far:
seem to both be down. And the other one I know
Dear Gerard,
Thank you so much for the very interesting discussions and the recommendation
of using STARANISO. I will submit my data to STARANISO server and keep you
Khoa Pham
Dear Khoa,
You are asking a very pertinent question, that will resonate in
(too) many people's minds.
Somehow anisotropy is very much "an inconvenient truth" in MX, as
many things have long been set up and operated on the basis of having
resolution be a single number and of all statisti
Dear Gerard,
Thank you very much for your suggestions.
We actually analyzed anisotropy of the data using UCLA-DOE LAB Diffraction
Anisotropy Server The question is
that if the data cut in the anisotropically way, should it be deposited to the
Dear Khoa,
Thank you for your reply and for the news that your data do show
strong anisotropy.
In such cases, the reflex is indeed to cut the data down to a
resolution where the statistics look more reasonable. However, as
these statistics are computed in spherical shells, i.e. continue