Dear all,
I have a PhD position in my laboratory, starting in September 2015. The
position will be looking to elucidate the biosynthetic pathway for two unusual
sugars from Coxiella, and will have good opportunities for interesting
structural work. Unfortunately due to the funding it is only su
Dear Alaistair,
this sound a little like the SQUEEZE command in Platon (with dummies
placed at the spurious regions), although I am not an expert about what
SQUEEZE does in detail. If your structure is not too large, you could
give it a try. The Polymerase is too large for Platon, but it works wit
A related/follow-on question, hopefully on the same topic:
When mask-based solvent modeling leads to problems caused by calculation
of an inappropriate mask (eg inclusion of disordered loops or
inaccessible pockets as bulk-solvent volume) it seems that a feasible
workaround is to (a) output th
Yes. If the model is incomplete it is obviously not sensible to use the
mask based solvent - you will tend to lose the unmodelled features. It also
gives unrealistically low R factors for a crystal with high solvent
content. However the best test would be to analyse maps and try to decide
if & when
Not easy to do that in the abstract! Look for obvious errors - is there a
CISpeptide near by which has been labelled wrongly in the PDB? Is there a
genuine error - too many residues, lost residues etc? Or is it just that
the density is poor, and it is hard to fit any coordinates and equally hard
Well - I really need to see the file with the reflection list to
test the problem properly, but this log file does show your reflections at
the highest resolution are very weak, and maybe not useful. Try cutting the
resolute a bit and see what happens.
On 11 January 2015 at 00:0
Dear All,
Will you please introduce me the ways to correct Ramachandran outlier by Coot?