Re: [ccp4bb] Trouble cleaving SUMO tag off of membrane protein

2014-02-17 Thread Dr. Isabel De Moraes
Dear Raji, In our lab we always (1) use TCEP (2) high molar ratio of protease with gentle rocking at 4C O/N (3) keep in mind the size (KDa) of the target protein regarding to the detergent micelle size. Although has been observed that in many cases the use of SUMO tags increases expression

[ccp4bb] Workshop on "Strategic pipeline planning: from sample preparation to 3D structure determination with bio SAXS and other biophysical techniques"

2014-02-17 Thread Evangelia D. Chrysina
Dear colleagues, with this message I would like to announce our workshop entitled: *"Strategic pipeline planning: from sample preparation to 3D structure determination with bio SAXS and other biophysical techniques"* to be held at the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) in Athens from Apr

Re: [ccp4bb] Trouble cleaving SUMO tag off of membrane protein

2014-02-17 Thread Brad Bennett
Hi Raji- To echo what John Lee said, we found that we had to maintain a ratio between 1:2 and 1:10 Ulp1:substrate for several different target proteins, none of which were membrane proteins however. So, I would definitely try maybe a 1:5 ratio and see what happens. This wasn't too cost prohibitive

Re: [ccp4bb] Trouble cleaving SUMO tag off of membrane protein

2014-02-17 Thread Raji Edayathumangalam
Hi Folks, Thanks very much for your helpful suggestions. Several folks have suggested switching to TCEP. I am also going to increase the molar ratio of Ulp1 in the cleavage reaction like John Lee has suggested since I did not think of the effect of DDM on Ulp1. (Everything seemed to work in the ca

[ccp4bb] Ask for recommendation: crystal screening kit

2014-02-17 Thread Wenhe
Dear CCP4 friends, Sorry first for the out of topic request. We are going to buy more crystal screening kit, however, we are only familiar with some popular kits which we already have in the lab (listing below). Do you have your favourite kits which can share with us? Our lab more focus on enz

Re: [ccp4bb] Trouble cleaving SUMO tag off of membrane protein

2014-02-17 Thread John Lee
Hi Raji, I've used SUMO/Ulp1 for some of my membrane proteins. My experience is you have to add a lot of protease. Sometimes, I add 1-1 molar ratio to get the job done. Just to add, I've experienced similar results as you in 0.1%DDM, partly because Ulp1 precipitates in the detergent (worse in OG),

[ccp4bb] Gordon Conference on Diffraction Methods in Structural Biology

2014-02-17 Thread Anastassis Perrakis
Dear all, The biannual Gordon Research Conference in Structural Biology, accompanied by the first Gordon Research Seminar, will take place in the last week of July at Bates College, New England, a few hours drive from the IUCr meeting that follows in the first week of August. The theme for the

[ccp4bb] Twilight update

2014-02-17 Thread Bernhard Rupp
Dear Friends of the Twilight, the annual update of the twilight data base is now available: Download: Readme: Papers: http://journals

Re: [ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] protein polymerization

2014-02-17 Thread Dr. Anthony Addlagatta
*** This message has been scanned by the InterScan for CSC SSM by IICT security policy and found to be free of known security risks. *** Dear Lisa, Good think is that your protein is crystallizing and diffracting X-rays. I am not sure if your protein is

Re: [ccp4bb] protein polymerization

2014-02-17 Thread Evgeny Osipov
Dear Lisa, because we know nothing about our object: protein is membrane or globular? Is there known structures of homologs? What buffer do you use? 17.02.2014 13:57, LISA пишет: Dear All, My proein is polymerzated and elutate in the void volum when runnning gel filtration Superdex 200. I can

[ccp4bb] new release of Mosflm & iMosflm version 7.1.0

2014-02-17 Thread Harry Powell
Hi folks We are pleased to announce a new release of Mosflm & iMosflm; there are quite a few changes (a non-exhaustive list is at the end of this message). The default web-pages for both programs will now lead you directly to the new versions;

[ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] protein polymerization

2014-02-17 Thread Herman . Schreuder
Dear Lisa, the first thing to check is whether the polymerization is due to disulfide bond formation. If you run a gel of your protein with one sample boiled in the presence of b-mercapto ethanol and one sample boiled in the absence of bME, this should tell you whether disulfide links are the cu

[ccp4bb] protein polymerization

2014-02-17 Thread LISA
Dear All, My proein is polymerzated and elutate in the void volum when runnning gel filtration Superdex 200. I can get a small crystal after a lot of optimization. But the resolution is still very low (about 8A ). I try to find the sites involved in polymerization. Is there some software to predi