Re: [ccp4bb] Examples of multiple ASU copies with different conformations

2014-01-27 Thread Frank von Delft
F1 ATPase. Got some Nobel glamour too. Sent from tiny silly touch screen - Reply message - From: "Aaron Thompson" Date: Tue, Jan 28, 2014 01:10 Subject: [ccp4bb] Examples of multiple ASU copies with different conformations To: The structure of kappa opioid receptor fused with T4 lysoz

Re: [ccp4bb] Examples of multiple ASU copies with different conformations

2014-01-27 Thread Thomas Edwards
Hi Shane, One of my favorite examples of large structural differences between molecules in the asymmetric unit have is the crystal structure of the L1 ribozyme (PDB ID 2oiu). The Q and P chains have two stems which crudely co-axially stack and a third stem which appears 180 degrees in the oppos

Re: [ccp4bb] Examples of multiple ASU copies with different conformations

2014-01-27 Thread Aaron Thompson
The structure of kappa opioid receptor fused with T4 lysozyme (4DJH) contains two copies in the ASU – each copy displays a different orientation between the receptor and lysozyme. On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 10:08 AM, Shane Caldwell wrote: > Hi ccp4bb, > > I'm putting together a talk for some peer

Re: [ccp4bb] pdbredo

2014-01-27 Thread Robbie Joosten
Dear Faisal, The PDB_REDO server returns a .pdb file with residual B-factors after TLS, to submit a model to the PDB it has to have total B-factors. To get those you can run the CCP4 program TLSANL. The program can read the TLS information straight from the .pdb file, but if you have an older vers

[ccp4bb] pdbredo

2014-01-27 Thread Faisal Tarique
Dear all I have solved a structure of a protein at 2.1A..the R and free R is 21 and 26..for the betterment of its refinement statistics i submitted the coordinate and structure factor file to we based server "PDB_REDO" which improved the R and Rfree to 18 and 23, (which probably does through TLS r

[ccp4bb] Regisytration open >>> The X6A Workbench - February 25-28,2014

2014-01-27 Thread Stojanoff, Vivian
X6A Workbench: Hands-on Synchrotron Structural Biology February 25 - 28, 2014 The NIGMS facility at the National Synchrotron Light Source is offering comprehensive hands-on training in synchrotron data collection and analysis for biophysicis

[ccp4bb] Examples of multiple ASU copies with different conformations

2014-01-27 Thread Shane Caldwell
Hi ccp4bb, I'm putting together a talk for some peers that highlights strengths and weaknesses of structural models for the outsider. For one point, I'd like to find some examples of proteins that show very different conformations between different copies in the ASU. One example I know of is c-Abl

Re: [ccp4bb] Control the crystallization process in the presence of small volatile organic molecules

2014-01-27 Thread Chao Quan
Hi Chen, I had a similar condition before (reservoir solution with 10% dioxane) and an oil-based cryoprotectant (66.5% w/w paraton-N, 28.5% paraffin oil and 5% glycerol) worked for me. Please check this paper out: In addition, have you tried cryoprot

[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral position in macromolecular crystallography, HZI Braunschweig, Germany

2014-01-27 Thread Wulf Blankenfeldt
Postdoctoral Position in Macromolecular Crystallography The Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig (Germany) announces an opening for a postdoctoral researcher in macromolecular crystallography. The position is associated with the department “Structure and Function of Pro

[ccp4bb] Postdoctoral and senior staff scientist positions in immune and infectious disease

2014-01-27 Thread Zhiwei Huang
Several postdoctoral and senior staff scientist positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Zhiwei Huang at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT,, China. Our research interests focus on the understanding of structure-function relationships of macromolecules, and the

[ccp4bb] March 20-21 Workshop in San Diego

2014-01-27 Thread Bernhard Rupp
Hi Fellows, for the poor frozen souls seeking a defensible excuse for a weekend escape from gloomy winter weather (plus a chance to win a copy of BMC) an educational, tax-deductible opportunity for a nice excursion exists: Modern Drug Target Cry