Actually the representations from your example look more like transparent
surface and stick representations of the ligand. This can be accomplished a
few ways, but if you want independent coloring schemes for each representation,
then you will have to do as Jurgen suggestedcreating tw
Hi Wei,
make two objects of your ligand, display one as sphere and the other as stick.
Then change the transparency setting for the spheres.
On Jan 19, 2014, at 11:40 PM, Wei Shi
mailto:wei.shi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi all,
Please see attached Fig where they show the ligand both as stick
> On Jan 19, 2014, at 11:30 AM, Chris Fage wrote:
> Thank you all for your responses. I already have a few ideas about how to
> approach the problem.
> One of my concerns with so monomers per asymmetric unit at lower resolution
> was the failure of MR software. Neither PHENIX nor P
Thank you all for your responses. I already have a few ideas about how to
approach the problem.
One of my concerns with so monomers per asymmetric unit at lower resolution
was the failure of MR software. Neither PHENIX nor Phaser MR have made
progress. I am fairly new to anomalous methods, having
Apologies for a marginally out of topic request, but would anyone have the
complete DNA sequence for pBS24Ub vector? Any format will do, and even a close
derivative of it would be useful. Published in Sabin et al, Nature
Biotechnology 7, 705 - 709 (1989)
Wasn't there this huge thread just 3 days ago on heavy atom soaking
On 19/01/2014 07:18, Felix Frolow wrote:
Francis, It can happened
We have (not yet published) P1 with 24 molecules. When we cut His-tag we get
P1 with 32 molecules.
In our case we believe it is dictated by very strong int