If the images are important and you want to extract them as independent image
files, then you can try saving the PDF as html. Acrobat will generate an image
directory that contains the image files. I am using acrobat 8 and there are two
options, saving as html 3.2 and saving as html 4 with
If you have acrobat (instead of acrobat reader), then you can save PDF to RTF
file which is fully supported by word. This is probably the easiest way to get
the maximum out of a PDF file. If this doesn't work to your satisfaction, then
you can try saving the PDF to TIFF images, then OCR.
Depends on what you mean by "meaningful". Obviously, you can take a
screenshot of the PDF page and import that into Word as one big photo,
but I imagine that is not what you want to do?
If you mean to reverse the "convert to PDF" process and get back the
original Word document you used to m
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Dear Rex,
if you type "pdf to word" into google.com, you get about 10,300,000
results, and the results on the first page sound very promising,
including one link to adobe.
On 09/01/2012 12:48 PM, Rex Palmer wrote:
> Dear CCP4BB Does anyo
Does anyone know how to convert a .pdf file into a meaningful Word file.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. The pdf file has numerous figures
and tables.
Rex Palmer