Postdoctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Brandt Eichman at
Vanderbilt University ( to study the
structures and molecular mechanisms of proteins involved in eukaryotic DNA
replication and excision repair of DNA damage. Applicants shoul
I recently processed a dataset in HKL2000, imported the scaled data to mtz
format in CCP4, and obtained a molecular replacement solution with PHASER.
However, upon trying to use ARP/wARP to build a model with the phases from
PHASER I get the following error ...
"can't read Wilson B: no such va
Hi Samuel,
I've has good success going from sphereulites to crystals using an additive
screen (the 96 condition Hampton one is good) with the conditions giving the
spherulites. Just watch for salt crystals as you'll be adding some compounds
that might cause your Ca ions to form insoluble CaSO4.
Dear All,
I am trying to run comit in slow mode. The programs runs fine till refmac where
all the 'prefix' mtz files are created. However when I give the command to
assemble all the mtz files using the command (separately):
comit --prefix omit1 --mtzout omit1.mtz (OR) comit -prefix omit1 -mtzout
Postdoctoral position in DNA Damage Response Group at the Paterson Institute
for Cancer Research, Manchester
A 3 year position is available for ambitious scientists to join the DNA Damage
Response Group led by Dr I Ahel to study structure and function of DNA repair
enzymes (Ahel et al, Nature,