[ccp4bb] NMR blog

2012-03-23 Thread Luthra,Amit
Thanks to everyone for NMR discussion blogs. Amit Luthra, Ph.D. Post-Doctoral Fellow The Radolf Laboratory Department of Medicine University of Connecticut Health Center [e] aut...@uchc.edu [p] 860/ 679 - 8390 [w] http://spirocheteresearch.uchc.edu/

[ccp4bb] 3V errors

2012-03-23 Thread Regina Kettering
Dear all; I have successfully used the 3V channel calculator online GUI in the past, but am getting errors with the conversion to a ccp4-style visualization.  I cannot find contact information on the website.  What is the current developer contact information, or has the current version been mo

[ccp4bb] PhD in Neutron Crystallography at Leicester / Institut Laue-Langevin

2012-03-23 Thread Peter Moody
The Biochemistry and Chemistry Departments at the University of Leicester and the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL, Grenoble, France), jointly invite applications for a three-year PhD programme entitled ‘The Transient Compound I and II intermediates in peroxidases’. The project will focus on oxygen a

Re: [ccp4bb] nmr blog

2012-03-23 Thread Roopa Thapar
A discussion Q&A blog is available at: http://www.bionmr.com/ They are also a group on LinkedIn. In addition, there is a lot of information available through the NMR information Server and the NMR Wiki: http://spincore.com/nmrinfo/ http://nmrwiki.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page *

Re: [ccp4bb] Refinement with pseudo-translation

2012-03-23 Thread Herman . Schreuder
Dear Shiva, First a word of caution. Your diffraction pattern is the convolution of the molecular transform and the lattice transform. Your molecular transform (determined by the orientation of your model) will almost certainly be right. The influence of e.g. one misidentified screw axis will n

Re: [ccp4bb] Refinement with pseudo-translation

2012-03-23 Thread Garib N Murshudov
Dear Shiva I would be careful with omit maps in the presence of pseudotranslation. You have to omit bits of molecule from PST related molecules simultaneously, otherwise you will have bias. If you look at the equation it becomes clear why. R factors 50/53 is close to random (in the presence of

Re: [ccp4bb] Refinement with pseudo-translation

2012-03-23 Thread Esko Oksanen
Dear Shiva, Refining against weak and strong reflections separately only works if your intensity distribution is bimodal, because the problem arises from the assumptions of the scaling protocol (that typically assumes a unimodal distribution) that leads to underestimating the sigmas of the

Re: [ccp4bb] nmr blog

2012-03-23 Thread Joel Sussman
See also in Proteopedia: http://proteopedia.org/w/NMR_Ensembles_of_Models best regards, Joel On 23 Mar 2012, at 09:42, Daniel Picot wrote: You can find here several links concerning NMR http://www.drorlist.com/nmr.html with a discussion list: https://listes.sc.univ-paris-diderot.fr/sympa/inf

Re: [ccp4bb] nmr blog

2012-03-23 Thread Daniel Picot
You can find here several links concerning NMR http://www.drorlist.com/nmr.html with a discussion list: https://listes.sc.univ-paris-diderot.fr/sympa/info/nmr Daniel Le 22/03/2012 19:35, Luthra,Amit a écrit : Is any NMR blog available for discussion? Amit Luthra, Ph.D. Post-Doctoral Fell