[ccp4bb] cif_mmdic.lib

2011-12-28 Thread Bernhard Rupp (Hofkristallrat a.D.)
Dear Developers, A few observations during data import/export ccp4i win 64 installed from ccp4-6.2.2.msi a) cif2mtz 6.2 says: CCIF signal CCIF_FOPEN (severity: SEVERE ERROR/FATAL) (Raised in zzs_undump) Cannot open file C:\CCP4\6.2\lib\data\cif_mmdic.lib for reading! This fi

[ccp4bb] Superpose problem

2011-12-28 Thread SUBSCRIBE CCP4BB Huo tong
Hello everyone: I am just learning how to use the CCP4 Program suite. When I use the MR approach --Phaser, there is a column say "Add superimposed PDB file to the ensemble". And there is another CCP4 supported program called "Superpose". I am afraid if my question is professional, but I wonder 1

[ccp4bb] Refmac and metal on a two-fold?

2011-12-28 Thread Dima Klenchin
Hello, I have a metal ion sitting on a two-fold. I assigned it an occupancy of 0.5 but Refmac keeps refining it away from that position so that in the end there is a symmetry-related ion 1.6A away. I thought that this problem has been rectified long ago? Certainly I had several occasions where

Re: [ccp4bb] Help me install O on ubuntu11.10

2011-12-28 Thread Edward A. Berry
It seems some 32-bit libraries need to be installed to get recent versions of O to run on 64 bit architecture. There is a 64-bit version undergoing testing now, so you might want to just wait for it. or volunteer to be a tester. Subscribe to o-info mailing list (at the below site) to keep up with